Sunday, October 19, 2014


1. Feedback Week 1

Wybren Brouer
Hi Wybren,
Let me start by saying that I really enjoyed your blog, specially I think it was a good Idea to introduce it to the world by explaining the class assignment.
Your blog is very well written and I liked that for the IE puzzle you talked about personal experience, which made it more relatable.
For the second question, I feel that you could elaborate a little more on what your position is for this "business of business..." I feel you explained how both spectrums of the question but maybe could be more specific as to which of these two options you are more inclined to agree on.

Alice van Rixel

Hi Alice,
I have to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog, it is very concise and to the point and easy to read as well.
I particularly liked the bullet point format, that makes it easy to understand.
One observation I would make is that for point #1 you should maybe try to elaborate more in why do you think people who have more money would necessarily be more inclined to consume environmentally friendly or less polluting products, and maybe be a little more specific on why do you think environmental impact would decrease as in the curve and not take some other pattern, I think these aspects would help make your point stronger.

2. Feedback Week 2

Jochem deJong

Hi Jochem,
First I want to say that I really liked your blog! It is very well written and fun to read. I liked the introduction you gave on Freedman, didn’t know he was an advisor for Ronald Reagan.
I also liked how you incorporated aspects from the documentary as examples to back up your arguments. I would just like to suggest to go into a little more depth as to why you believe the change in economy and for conscious capitalism is needed, I feel you give a lot of liberty for the reader to assume your opinion for the need to change, and maybe it is better to be more clear about it.
Also, I did not fully understand what you meant with “government deregulation is possible in such an economy” maybe you can elaborate a bit on what you mean by saying this.

Note! The Blog Entry for my second feedback was not available this week.

3. Feedback Week 3

Florentine Brunner

Hi Florentine!
I have to say that I’m really impressed with your blog entry, I feel it is very well structured and uses the elements of Ostrom’s framework in a very clear way. The fact that you started with a very precise definition of your system boundaries, helps the reader follow your line of reasoning much more efficiently.
I had a little bit of trouble keeping up with the elements of the framework when you introduced the “second part of the story” and the exploitation of Fox fur for the fashion industry, the diagram you include helped me to understand your point, but maybe you can consider recapitulating the elements of the framework (including inuit/self governance and fashion industry) for the system that includes both users, that could help make it a little more clear (which in general you were!).
I would only like to make a small remark, on the Friedman part, when you say “Secondly it would be left to the individual consumer to decide whether the practices of fur framing are ethically justifiable or not, respectively whether to buy or not. This way the size of the fur market would regulate itself according to consumer´s values.” I may not be interpreting it correctly, but what I understand is that you say that, market size will be regulated by the values of the consumers and therefore will make this a more sustainable system because it will control itself in numbers? Maybe it would be a good idea to make a final remark on this paragraph, to help the reader fully understand the point you are trying to make.
Other than that, I really liked your entry and it gave some good ideas for my own!

Spyros Ntemiris

Hi Spyros!

I was particularly interested in your entry because I chose the same topic (water) for mine, and it is very interesting to see different approaches on the same topic.
I liked how you built up your system starting with Latin America and brought it closer to home talking about the EU and Greece.
I like your use of multimedia to enrich your blog!
One small comment however, in my opinion, you could maybe elaborate a little bit more on Ostrom's framework, I think, that even though it is very well written,  you might have deviated a little from the assignment and gave too little attention to analysing your system under Ostrom's core subsystems.
Maybe you can elaborate more on this aspect giving specific examples of each subsystem and houw they interact within Greece or the EU.
And regarding Friedman's position, I understand the conflict of applying it to water distribution but you talked about the benefits/disadvantages and your position on privatising water sanitation and distribution, but could maybe work on making a more clear connection to "The business of business is to increase profit" and Friedman's position and you gave examples of possible benefits of privatisation of water sanitation, but you can maybe land your argument with a closing statement saying exactly why these advantages can make this a more sustainable system.

Hope my comments are clear enough and may work for you!



4. Feedback week 4

Unfortunately, the entry for the first blog assigned to me for this week was not available.

Sandra van der Lee

Hi Sandra!

Great entry, very well written! I liked that you were very rigorous with the use of reference and relied a lot on the theory to back up your arguments.
I would only make a small suggestion, maybe at some points too much theory can be a bit overwhelming for the average reader, so maybe you can level the entry by trying to put in your own words what each element of DiMaggio's paper is, or maybe give small examples of everyday situations in the organizational field.

Also, I feel that I did not get where do you include the last part of the assignment, where you had to discuss which other coordination mechanism might be more efficient to spread sustainable development, maybe I missed it, and in that case I apologize, but I feel you could be more clear as to which other form of coordination might serve this purpose.

Hope this feedback is helpful!



5. Feedback week 5 (Network)

Unfortunately, the entry for the first or second  blog assigned to me for this week was not available.

6. Feedback week 6 (harvest Game)

Jody Milder

Hi jody!

Just wanted to make a few comments on your, blog.
+ you start by talking about your experience and the results you got with your own group which I think is nice to read. Maybe you can also talk a little about the game and the current rules.
- Yo discarded several options, like complete openness and under-fishing, but I feel it was a bit unclear why you think these alternatives would fail, maybe you can consider elaborating a bit on that. Also, I feel that maybe you brought your solutions to a scenario of real fishing, while the assignment was really oriented to the setting up of rules that would help the game go on for more rounds without the sea being empty and keeping the game interesting.
One suggestion would be to re-frase your ideas more like game rules, and maybe considering if your "sustainable fishing label" can be explained in more detail, because I had a little bit of trouble understanding your concept.

Hope this comments are helpful



Unfortunately, the entry for the second blog assigned to me for this week was not available.

7. Feedback week 7 (LCA and Sabatier)

Unfortunately, the entry for the first blog assigned to me for this week was not available.

Jeroen Huisman

Hey Jeroen!

Would like to start by saying that your entry was very clear and easy to read, ideas are concrete and not overdeveloped.I also like the pointers on LCA developers.
I have some pointers that I hope can be useful:
- Your ideas of external control certainly provide possible ways in which LCA can be further standardised and possibly improved, but may not ensure entirely that the use of LCA will increase as a direct result, the policy initiative is the one that more concretely addresses a way to increase the use of LCA. You should maybe explore a little more on initiatives like the latter as forms of external control to increase the use of LCA.
- Informing clients does seem a way to increase the use of LCA, however, you could maybe elaborate on how is this information setting boundary conditions, it is not so clear to me, and perhaps just informing people is not really implementing public policy, perhaps if you were a little more specific saying i.e. " enforcing environmental awareness campaigns as a responsibility of municipalities to spread information on topics such as LCA" can be more specific as setting boundary conditions. 

Ok, hope this feedback is useful and if you have any comments let me know.



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